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Asphalt Overlay or Complete Asphalt Replacement?

Asphalt Overlay or Complete Asphalt Replacement?

Your driveway or parking lot is one of the parts of your home that requires regular maintenance and care. However, after using the driveway or parking lot for some years, they can begin to wear out extensively.

When this occur, you have to decide whether an asphalt overlay or a complete asphalt replacement is the best option. This could simply mean applying an overlay of asphalt to damage to your asphalt pavement or a complete removal and replacement of the asphalt.

However, the type of asphalt repair depends largely on the degree of damage on the asphalt pavement. This depth of the damage could be due to the chemical spills, weather, water damage and regular weight of heavy vehicles exerted on the asphalt pavement.

Asphalt Overlay

Asphalt overlay is a pavement treatment a new layer of asphalt is applied over a deteriorating surface. Instead of tearing up the existing asphalt surface, they are used as a base to install the new layers. The thickness of the overlay is typically around 1.5” to 2”. A driveway pavement can be in a deteriorating condition but has its structures intact. It used on a pavement that shows signs of potholing or cracking and has not gotten to the point of being replaced entirely. This is when asphalt overlay is applied.

Asphalt Replacement

Unlike asphalt overlay, it is the complete removal of the existing deteriorated asphalt and the application of new asphalt. This type of asphalt repair is necessary when the structure of the asphalt base has deteriorated beyond using asphalt overlay.

Asphalt Overlay vs. Asphalt Replacement


Before you finally decide on which one to go for, it is important that you consider how longevity. An asphalt overlay can prolong the life expectancy of an existing pavement to 8-15 years while asphalt replacement has a shelf life of about 20-30 years as they will provide a stronger basement. This is as long as you maintain your asphalt properly and make repairs when needed.


Another thing to put into consideration is the cost. The cost of applying these asphalt repairs vary. How complete asphalt replacement is quite expensive, you may not need to break the bank for an asphalt overlay. Hence, if you are on a tight budget, asphalt overlay is the cost-effective option for you.

Degree of Treatment

Another thing to put into consideration when determining which one to choose between asphalt overlay and complete asphalt replacement is the extent of the damage. The cracks and potholes that have been concealed through asphalt overlay reappear after two to three years while the pavement repair done through complete asphalt replacement lasts for a longer period of time.


The asphalt overlay if compared to the complete asphalt replacement is more time-saving. This means that you do not have to wait for long before you start using your parking lot or your driveway. Complete asphalt replacement is a time-consuming project as it takes a significant period of time to accomplish.


Lastly, asphalt overlaying reinforces the look of the old asphalt while complete asphalt replacement enhances and gives a new aesthetic view on your driveway or parking lot.

Which Of The Asphalt Repairs Is Right For You?

Asphalt overlaying and complete asphalt replacement are both used to repair a damaged asphalt pavement. Whichever method that you decide to use depend on a number of factors such as budget, the depth and extent of damage done on your parking lot or driveway.

You can use asphalt overlay for pavements that have slight cracks and the integrity of their structures intact. However, a complete asphalt replacement offers a long-term solution for your asphalt driveway.