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What is Tar & Chip Paving?

Are you looking for a cost-effective yet stable way to pave your driveway or private road? If so you should consider tar-and-chip paving. Although this term may not be familiar to you, you have most likely seen it in passing at some point.

Tar-and-chip is also known as chip and seal, Macadam, or seal chip and is a combination of liquid asphalt and stone. This form of paving is ideal for any property owner who needs a firm structure to drive on that requires little maintenance and is not as expensive as a full paving project. First, let us look at the process of how tar-and-chip is created.

How is a tar-and-chip driveway created?

Laying down this type of driveway is a pretty simple process. To begin a layer of gravel is put down to create a base. After this, a hot liquid layer of asphalt is poured over the gravel and following the pour another layer of loose stones is applied. Once these stones are applied they are then rolled via a machine into the hot asphalt binding them together.

The top layer of loose stones allows you to add a customized look to your driveway! You can choose stones that will complement your environment, match your home, or provide a pop of contrast to your surroundings. However, there are other benefits to consider as well.

Benefits of Choosing Tar-and-Chip Paving

The first benefit of choosing tar-and-chip is that it is cost effective. You can expect to pay about twice as much as gravel and about half as much as a full paving with asphalt. It is more solid than just loose gravel because it is bound with an agent material. Although it does not appear as smooth as asphalt there is little difference when driving over it. Yet, the fact that there is a layer of stones on its surface creates an ideal rougher texture for traction. Especially when it snows, during periods of ice, or heavy rain. Both asphalt and concrete can become very slippery during these weather conditions but not with tar-and-chip. The top layer of stones gives tires something to “grip” onto to move forward. Another benefit is that there is no maintenance required when it comes to paving with tar-and-chip, because it does not have to be sealed regularly as asphalt does. When it comes time to resurface a tar-and-chip project it is also easier to do so than asphalt and concrete, the life of your tar-and-chip seal should last you between 7-10 years. Finally, you have the bonus of being able to match the top layer of stones for an attractive and personal look.

Finding a Contractor

Here at H&H Paving offers this attractive form of paving to meet your needs.

If you are considering paving a driveway or road on your residential property tar-and-chip seal is an excellent and viable option. We recommend it for drives, farms, and ranch roads. It will give you a solid base for years to come and provide excellent traction for all types of weather. As always, if you would like to learn more about this option and others please book a free on-site visit and estimate with us today!